
8 September 2006

With school starting in Bulgaria on 15 September, we wanted to provide a last-hurrah for the summer for 32 of our Bulgaria kids, and their unanimous choice for this was SofiaLand amusement park in capitol Sofia, two hours from Dupnitza.  Many of our children from the Roma neighborhoods have hardly been out of Dupnitza, so it was an exciting excursion for them, and loads of fun!

Our Day

Below are numerous photos to share the day!


Emilia, Jessica, Ani, Jenn
Donors - Our excursion to SofiaLand was made possible primarily by the generosity of donors Dimitar Haralambov and Connie Carlberg, with contribution as well from the kids' individual sponsors.   Both Mr. Haralambov and Ms. Carlberg have provided for numerous other projects for OSI-Bulgaria children, and we are eternally grateful for them for providing these opportunities and creating these memories for our kids!
Chaperones - We are also grateful to our chaperones for the excursion: US Peace Corps volunteers Lindsay Saltsgiver and Jessica Morrison; directors of our Bulgarian partner organization, Emilia and Ani; and last but not least, to OSI-Bulgaria liaison Jennifer Hee for coordinating and supervising the entire event!
OSI-Bulgaria Site Page

With more photos, maps, and information about OSI-Bulgaria